The Benefits of Mentoring Software

If you are considering using software to manage your mentoring program, you need to be clear on the benefits of mentoring software first before taking the next step to search for a mentoring software provider.
Below are some of the main reasons why organizations such as yours often choose to use mentoring software rather than operating their mentoring programs manually using Excel or similar basic tools.
First, though, you may like to check out the replay of our recent webinar:

Long-time mentoring program expert Judy Corner will take you through the things that commonly go wrong in new mentoring programs. Judy will also explain how you can plan ahead to skip the implementation dramas.

When you request instant access to the webinar replay, you'll get the replay link, the presentation slides, and bonus content to help you launch or improve your workforce mentoring program.
Ok, back to the main benefits of mentoring software . . .
  1. Mentors and mentees should be able to enroll regardless of their location. No need to attend an enrollment event. Online mentoring software allows enrollment if the user is at home using their smartphone, or at any office location. Your enrollment rate will be much higher if they can enroll anywhere with an internet connection rather than requiring them to be in the corporate office. 
  2. We have seen that if the mentee is allowed to choose their mentor from a list of qualified mentors the success of the relationship will be much higher. Mentoring software is the most efficient and effective way to facilitate this quickly.
  3. Manual matches of mentees with mentors can result in a higher proportion of bad matches due to the personal interpretations and biases of the people involved. Insala’s mentoring software has a built-in matching algorithm that produces better matches for mentees.  
  4. Once a mentee is in the relationship, there will be moments when they will need support on how to progress with their relationship. Mentoring software should be seen as an online resource that they can access at any time.
  5. Mentoring relationships are much more successful if the administrator can check in at certain milestones in the relationship. Insala’s mentoring software can automate all check-ins, allowing the administrator to focus on other activities.
  6. Getting feedback from mentors and mentees will not also allow you to continue to improve the program, but measure success. Having built-in custom surveys sent out automatically will make sure you have continuous feedback coming in. 
  7. Each mentoring relationship should be as focused as possible on their learning goal, providing online mentoring agreements and learning plans, helps the relationship stay focused.
  8. Mentoring Administrators need to know which relationships are healthy and give credit to these mentors and know which relationships aren’t processing so well to offer support and advice. Using Insala’s mentoring software, a relationship health indicator is provided to the administrator. 
  9. Each year you will need to continue to get funding to keep your program alive, using mentoring software, reports can be easily generated that can be sent to stakeholders to demonstrate how the program is progressing.
There are many benefits that come from developing your people through a mentoring program.
There are also many benefits that come with using purpose-built software to run the mentoring program.
Having considered some of the benefits, now could be a good time to schedule a demo and take a quick look at how Insala's mentoring software can help your business.
You may also like to check out the replay of our recent webinar:

Long-time mentoring program expert Judy Corner will take you through the things that commonly go wrong in new mentoring programs. Judy will also explain how you can plan ahead to skip the implementation dramas.

When you request instant access to the webinar replay, you'll get the replay link, the presentation slides, and bonus content to help you launch or improve your workforce mentoring program.
Want to talk with someone about our mentoring software? Click here to schedule your free demo now - we'll see you soon!

Through innovative web-based SaaS technology, Insala partners with organizations to accelerate performance and drive evidence-based decisions for organizations and their people.

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