Incorporating technology in the workplace to better use mentoring programs and software

Benefits of Technology for Mentoring Programs

Advances in technology now allow mentoring programs to flourish more than ever before. With technology, we have broken down the barriers of communication and reduced workloads. Not only that, but technology is now integrated into most talent development programs. 

A great example of the beneficial integration of technology is in mentoring programs. Mentoring software has many capabilities, such as allowing mentors to connect with mentees across the world. It is changing the way mentoring in the workplace benefits organizations for the better.

The Benefits of Technology for Mentoring Programs

Like many talent development programs, mentoring comes with a lot of benefits. This is especially true of mentoring facilitated by software. Here are a few examples…

  1. Location: With mentoring software, mentors and mentees no longer have to work under the same roof. If a company launches a global mentoring program, the mentee could possibly choose a mentor on a different continent. This means a larger mentor pool from mentees to choose from, offering a larger range of specialties and knowledge.
  2. Staying Connected: Mentoring software often allows mentors and mentees to keep in touch by the most efficient means. The portal gives mentors and mentees the opportunity to send messages, show their schedules, and plan their meeting times. This is especially beneficial if the mentor and mentee are located in different time zones.
  3. Communication: Further than mentor and mentee interaction, mentoring software can facilitate communication between program participants and admins. Admins will be able to send out emails, surveys, and other forms of communication through one centralized portal.
  4. Generating Reports: Technology allows mentors and mentees to access the necessary documents throughout the relationship at any time through the cloud. Reports can be generated based on the progress of the relationship for all participants. This helps the organization measure the success of the mentoring program.
  5. Mentor Matching: Mentoring software with matching capability gives mentorships a head-start as far as compatibility goes. Mentor matches through software optimize the mentor pool for the mentee’s specific goals and objectives. This means the relationship can focus on exactly what the mentee needs.
  6. Mentor Training: While training sessions often take place in-person, virtual training can be facilitated through mentoring software. Mentor training is important for successful mentorships, because it ensure the participants are on the same page about the program. It also prepares mentors and mentees to create goals and track their progression.

The key takeaway here is convenience. Technology takes the leg work out of mentoring, so your program attendees can focus on the goals at hand. It also benefits the participants and the organization, so it is often a good investment.

When to Implement Technology for Mentoring

Technology is extremely beneficial to all mentoring programs. However, there are some instances where an organization should definitely use mentoring technology. Here are some attributes that an organization in need of mentoring software may have… 

  • Large Organizations/Mentoring Programs: When you start a mentoring program, one of the biggest factors when decided to use software is the size of the organization or the program. The larger the program, the higher the need for software. Mentoring software can help large programs track participants, progress, and goals for the overall program.
  • Limited Amount of Program Administrators: One way that technology aids an organization is it cuts down on the required time and labor from program administrators. Admins are often busy and in high demand, so any assistance available through software makes their time more efficient.
  • Need to Measure the Success of the Program: Oftentimes the organization will want to see the progress of the mentoring program, especially as it pertains to ROI. Mentoring software allows both reporting and surveying to take place in a simple platform. This helps track and measure the success of the program and replaces the need for admins to survey participants by hand.
  • Multiple Offices: If your organization has multiple offices, especially if they are not located close to one another, mentoring software is very helpful. Software allows mentors and mentees located in different areas to carry out their mentorship seamlessly.

Using technology with mentoring is always a good idea, especially if there is a need to improve your existing program. From ease and convenience to optimized mentor matches, the myriad of uses will make the transition to using technology smooth and efficient.

For more information on how technology can impact your mentoring program, request a demo today.

Through innovative web-based SaaS technology, Insala partners with organizations to accelerate performance and drive evidence-based decisions for organizations and their people.

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